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Where Timless Stories and Summer Adventures Meet!

DoSayGive's beloved Classic Children's Book Club is back for $24!

What's Included...

Book List

A printable, curated list of 50 quality classic and new books.

Activity Ideas

A helpful list of activity and outing ideas that you can draw upon all summer.

Mom Tips

Learn ways to cultivate a love of books and inspire free play in children.

Are you looking for screen-free ways to enrich your children's summer?

In today's fast-paced world, where screens often dominate our children's attention, it's more important than ever to find ways to cultivate a love of reading and encourage the kind of free play that helps children stay children longer. That's where our book club comes in!

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Rediscover Classic Tales, Rediscover Childhood Joy!

No need to sift through all of the endless book options on Amazon for appropriate books for your children, because we’ve done the work for you! Our book list features the sweet, innocent stories that generations past have cherished, and they continue to spark joy and imagination in young readers today.

About the Organizer

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Lee Cordon is the creative director of, an online resource for modern etiquette. motherhood and gift giving. She has a love for classic literature and believes protecting a child's innocence and reading them wonderful stories are two of the greatest gifts you can give your children.


Who is the Book Club for?

We believe the Book Club should be a family experience! We say ages 2-9 but children younger than 2 can certainly enjoy the books with their older siblings and older children can read to younger children. Most of the books are picture books and short stories but we recommend one chapter with each theme for advanced readers and family read aloud time.

I just bought the Book Club for my family. Now what?

Once you purchase, you’ll be able to download the Book and Activity List immediately. You'll also get access to our private membership site with additional downloads, resources, and videos.

I’ve done the Book Club in the past. What is new this year?

Good news! The themes and books are different this year!

What kind of enriching activity suggestions will you provide?

They are simple things you can do with things you probably already have at home. With each themed week we share:

- Outside activities to encourage a love of nature
- Art activities based on a classic work of art
- Simple crafts and cooking activities
- Building and construction activities to foster imagination
- Outing ideas in your area for the entire family to enjoy

My children don’t get out of school until mid-June. Can I still join?

This is a go-at-your-own pace book club.You can start anytime and make it work for your family's summer rhythm.

How long will I have access to the Book Club?

The Book and Activity List is for you to enjoy forever. Access to the membership site will close September 5, 2024.

One last thing...

We are so confident your family will love our Children's Summer Book Club that it comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t find the book club benefitted your family after it’s completed, simply request a full refund. No questions asked!



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